UI-Buddy: The Most Mediocre Menu Maker! Now in 0.5, baby!

UI-Buddy is a simple program which is used primarily to create user interfaces. It runs on Python, with no external libraries.

UI-Buddy Features:

Add a custom icon and background to spice up your menu!

Custom icons and backgrounds!

Make the button open any link you want! (yes, any link.)

You can make the button open any link you input! Think Youtube, Twitter, or even that random polish pirating site you found while sinking into a 2AM rabbit hole!

Or, make it print something in the console!

Don't want an unknown program to be able to open a link on your PC? That's fair, tbh. Want it to say something? Well, tell it what you want it to say with the print feature! Talk your heart out!*

Have up to 5 buttons!

If you want just 1 simple button, or going nuts with 5, well... who's stopping you, UI-BUDDY IS A FREE COUNTRY! YEEHAW!!

Impressed? Download UI-Buddy Now!


- Creator and Dev of UI-Buddy


- Website Creator, playtester


*DISCLAMER: UI-Buddy is not a licensed therapist.